How To Play The Long Drive On Roblox – A Beginner’s Guide

By admin Apr23,2024
Feature image for our guide on how to play The Long Drive on Roblox. It shows a closed road barrier in-game.

Road trips are usually a lot of fun.. but this one isn’t going to be a breeze. Cover the distance to reach Almaty or die trying. Our guide on how to play The Long Drive on Roblox is here to make sure it’s the former.

The Long Drive is out now on Roblox. We’ve got some other driving game adventures with our guide on how to kill mutants in A Dusty Trip.

How To Play The Long Drive On Roblox

The object of The Long Drive is to complete a.. long drive to reach the safe spot in Almaty. Between you and it are miles of dangerous countryside. Keeping your wits about you and managing your resources is key to success.


Keeping your car fueled is a huge deal in The Long Drive. The fuel gauge is visible on the car HUD, and depletes when the car moves. (It doesn’t move when the car is still, even if the engine is running.) If it reaches zero, then the car stops and you’re left at the mercy of the road.

Fuel is found in jerry cans in boxes, and at gas stations along the route. It takes some time to fill the gas tank.


You need to eat to stay alive. Your hunger bar continually depletes as you play. If it reaches empty you start rapidly losing health until you eat or die. Food appears in boxes at random in and around structures.


The Svintus are your one enemy currently, and they’re a menace. These sinister creatures wearing pig masks lurk around structures. Once you get in their radius they’ll walk quickly toward you and try to attack you.

You should expect Svintus around any buildings or loot areas. Circle around and try to hit them with your car before stopping to avoid being grabbed.


Weapons appear rarely in boxes. You use them drop Svintus far easier than hitting them with the car. Don’t count on finding them, though. We’ve found one once in numerous playthroughs.

Reaching Almaty

Almaty’s location is slightly randomized but usually appears around the 80km mark.. yeah it’s not 5000km away thankfully.

By admin

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