Attack On Titan Revolution Raids Guide

Feature imagine for our Attack On Titan Revolution Raids guide. Image shows a Roblox character stood in a cobbled own with trees and buildings in the back.

Our Attack On Titan Revolution Raids guide has everything you need to know about raids! We’ll go over what raids are, and how you can join them.

To get raiding, visit the official Roblox website to play. We also have an Attack On Titan Revolution Zoe Guide and an Attack On Titan Revolution Support Memories Guide for you to check out.

Attack On Titan Revolution Raids

In AOT Revolution, raids are a specific game mode that allows you to play with 10 other players. Battle it out and defeat enemies for the chance to get your hands on some great rewards! Look out for special items and weapons after completing a raid. You can get raiding by going on the Shiganshia map and joining from there!

Rewards And Difficulty

There are currently four different raid difficulties in the game:

  • Hard Difficulty – Rare and above perks
  • Extreme Difficulty – Epic and above perks
  • Abnormal Difficultly – Legendary and above perks
  • Chaotic Difficulty (must reach Prestige 3 to unlock it) – Double Legendary and above perks and a chance for Divine perks to drop

You must deal at least 5% damage to be able to get raid drops.

Drops Per Raid

This will depend on the difficulty you select:

  • Divine: 1
  • Mythical: 2
  • Legendary: 3
  • Epic: 4
  • Rare: 5

Raid Times

New raids spawn every 45 minutes and remain open for 15 minutes when active. If you’re playing on a private server, new raids will spawn in every 20 minutes and close after 10 minutes.

Star System

By completing raids, you will earn a certain type of star. To be given the most stars, you must beat the raid within the time limit given

  • 0 Stars – A lower amount of Gold and EXP
  • 1 Star – A small sum of Gold and EXP
  • 2 Stars – Additional Gold and EXP
  • 3 Stars – Offers the most Gold, EXP, and Perks

By admin

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