Attack On Titan Revolution Pot Guide – How To Get Potential!

By admin Jun14,2024
Feature image for our AOT Revolution pot guide showing a character in black gear zipping through the sky with a twirl amongst forest and grassland

Want to burst with more potential? This Attack On Titan Revolution Pot Guide might help with that! This guide covers what Pot is, how to get more of it, and where it comes in handy in the game.

Check out Attack On Titan Revolution over on Roblox. For more Attack On Titan Revolution content, check out our Attack On Titan Revolution Titan Serum Guide and Attack On Titan Revolution Achievements Guide.

Attack On Titan Revolution Pot Guide

As the intro gave away, Pot is a shortened term for Potential. A player’s Potential measures their ‘overall score’ so to speak and is scaled from the average of each stat. The higher a player’s Potential, the more upgrades and stats they enjoy. Currently, the highest amount of Potential in Attack On Titan: Revolution is 9.

To discover your Potential, head to the Equipment page which is conveniently next to the relevant Skills and Upgrades pages. To increase your Pot, you’ll have to balance your Skills and Upgrades. Piling all your resources into one route won’t work as this creates a disbalance and the DEVs have quite literally removed the ability to overpower a particular stat.

What Does Potential Unlock?

So, if you’re working your way through the Potential ranks and want to know if the number serves as more than just a progression stamp then you’re in luck! As you increase your Pot through upgrades and playtime, you also unlock more of the core game itself.

On the Maps, you’ll notice a Potential counter there too. Your Potential here measures how fit you are for certain game difficulties. For example, easier maps such as Shigansina on Easy mode are beginner-friendly at 0 Pot needed. However, to play that map or the others on Normal mode you’ll need to acquire 2+ Pot. For Hard mode and onwards for any map, it’s 5+ Pot.

By admin

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