Anime Defenders Admiral Of Ice Guide

Feature image for our Anime Defenders Admiral Of Ice guide. It shows spiked a blue ice and chains.

Want to know all about one of the most sought-after support units in the game? We’ve got a lot to say on the subject. In our Anime Defenders Admiral Of Ice guide we discuss how to get your hands on the unit, the deployment costs, and when you get that all-important freeze effect to kick in.

Anime Defenders is available now on Roblox. We’ve also got an Anime Defense The Gamer guide for one of the Secret units.

Anime Defenders Admiral Of Ice Guide

First, we’ll discuss how to get Admiral Of Ice in a summon, then we’ll discuss any useful facts we know about the support unit.

Rolling Admiral Of Ice

Admiral Of Ice is a Legendary unit. This means you have a 2% chance of rolling one when you buy a summon with gems. Admiral Of Ice is only up for grabs when he appears in the banner. These refresh about every three hours. You can check by looking to see if he appears on the Summon screen, or in the Chances window.

About Admiral Of Ice

Her upgrade costs and the stats that come with every step are below.

  • Base
    • Costs: 850¥
    • Attack Type: Small AOE Circle
  • Upgrade One
    • Costs: 1150¥
    • Attack Type: Small AOE Circle
  • Upgrade Two
    • Costs 1850¥
    • Attack Type: Small AOE Circle
  • Upgrade Three
    • Costs 2500¥
    • Attack Type: Large AOE Line
    • Attacks begin to apply Freeze status effect.
  • Upgrade Four
    • Costs 3000¥
    • Attack Type: Large AOE Line
  • Upgrade Five
    • Costs 4000¥
    • Attack Type: Large AOE Line
  • Upgrade Six
    • Costs 5500¥
    • Attack Type: Full AOE
  • Upgrade Seven
    • Costs 6300¥
    • Attack Type: Full AOE

The total cost of a fully upgraded Admiral Of Ice is 25,150¥. Try to focus on getting up to the third upgrade, as that is when his attacks start to apply Freeze, the most important thing that the Unit can do.

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