MediEvil 2 remake is in development, apparently – WGB

A remake of MediEvil 2 may be in the works, although it should be taken with a sizable pinch of salt.

Orangee previously leaked various bits of information, like the Gravity Rush movie entering pre-production and that it would be shown at CES. Oragee also claims that a Gravity Rush 2 remake is being worked on, but so far nothing has been announced.

In other words, while Orangee has been proven correct, his or her track record is limited and thus any claims should be met with some health scepticism.

TwistedVoxel noted that Orangee posted a comment stating that: “Medievil 2 Remake in may [sic]. Other ocean [sic] is working on it since 2021.”

TwistedVoxel’s reporting appears to jump to a few conclusions. They mention the game being shadow-dropped in May at the rumoured PlayStation Showcase, but Orangee doesn’t mention anything about this, although it would be easy to mistake his or her wording as suggesting the game will release in May.

Orangee went on to clarify that it’s still in development and not ready to be released, and thus will likely just be announced and shown in May.

Other Ocean developed a remake of the original Medievil which they released in October 2019 to decent reviews. Sony never published any official sales numbers, but the 2023 Insomniac data leak provides us with some information to go on. According to their data, as of January 2020 the remake had sold just over 500,000 copies. Of course, it’s difficult to put that into context without any idea of how long the remake took to develop or its development budget.

However, if a remake of the second game is in the works then we can only assume Sony was happy with the first game’s performance.

Released less than 2 years after the first game, MediEvil 2 acts as a prequel to the first game taking place some 500 years beforehand. At the time it got good reviews, though it scored less than the original. Some people didn’t like how similar it was to the first game, yet I think I speak for a lot of fans when I say the 2nd game was a lot better than the first one.

With that said, I didn’t think the remake of the original MediEvil managed to hide just how old it felt, so for the second game I hope Other Ocean go a little further in modernising it.

By admin

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