Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone Season 3 brings back fan-favourite maps, adds new perks and modes

By admin Mar31,2024

Activision have revealed what’s coming to Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone 2 in its upcoming Season 3 update. For Modern Warfare 3, there’s a slew of new and remastered 6 vs 6 maps, new modes, and Zombies story additions. As for Warzone, highlights include the return of fan-favourite Rebirth Island, biometric scanners, new perks, and four new weapons. Let me break the details down for you, like how I used to break my friends’ spirits by sprinting at enemies without communicating my intentions, going down, then spectating as they attempted to pick up the pieces.

Alright so, Season 3 brings with it six 6 vs 6 maps, three of which will arrive in an undated mid-season update. The three that’ll arrive at launch are Emergency, 6 Star, and Tanked, with 6 Star being set atop a Dubai skyscraper and sticking out to me as a highlight for this reason. I’m a big fan of resort-style maps in COD as not only are they ‘uplifting’ in the sense of being somewhat sunnier than most, they’re often home to tight lanes and slightly cramped lounge areas that up the FPS intensity to a level I’m fond of: fast, frantic, mildly infuriating.

As for those new game modes, Capture The Flag arrives at launch, and One In The Chamber arrives in an unspecified “launch window” – a return for a mode first introduced in Black Ops, which is pretty neat. Then you’ve got Minefield and Escort coming mid-season, with Escort being fairly self explanatory as one team guides a little vehicle to a spot, while the other team tries to prevent it from happening. Minefield sounds… baffling, though. It’s like Kill Confirmed, except instead of downed enemies dropping collectible tags, they drop deadly mines. I suppose you’re not meant to take it too seriously, but damn, I’m unsure whether a map pocked with hundreds of mines sounds all that fun to me.

For Zombies, there’s a third Dark Aether Rift being introduced. Which for the unfamiliar, is a series of objectives that’ll see you opening up a portal to an “ethereal voidscape” filled with a) enemies that are more horrible, and b) loot that is betterer.

A collage showing planned changes and additions to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone during the third season of updates.
Image credit: Activision

Moving onto Warzone, Rebirth Island returns from the Warzone days of yore. It’s a cracking map that accelerates the battle royale experience to a fine point, one that retains the ebb and flow of the traditional Warzone maps without descending into utter chaos. Buildings wise, Rebirth Island remains largely the same, except there’s been some structural tweaks to aid visibility and the like. Plus there’s a bunch of Rebirth-specific perks and equipment to compliment it, too. Perhaps the most interesting are the introduction of biometric scanners that, when used, grant you a keycard of varying rarity. You can then bring your keycard – or one you’ve looted from an enemy – to a buy station, which’ll then unlock a special menu filled with loot corresponding to the rarity of the card you’ve produced.

Three new weapons will arrive at launch, while one – the BAL-27 assault rifle – will drop mid-season. All of them are unlockable via the new battle pass, with the MORS sniper rifle likely taking the crown as the one gun that’ll be adopted by meta fiends. I say this, mainly because the blog summary calls it a “one-shot beast”, and that sort of stopping power is what anyone ever strives for when chucking attachments on their guns.

Call Of Duty’s next season begins on April 3rd at 9am PT/ 12pm ET/ 4pm GMT. And Activision’s colossal blog post is the place to go if you want a look at absolutely everything that’s arriving with it.

By admin

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