Project Mugetsu Clans Guide – Droid Gamers

Feature image for our Project Mugetsu clans guide. It shows a Quincy advancing toward the viewer using schrift.

Interested to hear how your Mugetsu family shapes up? Well, read on! Our Project Mugetsu Clans guide runs over each of the game’s clan buffs so you have a quick reference to check.

Project Mugetsu just got its second major update on Roblox. We’ve also got a Project Mugetsu race tier list for anyone wanting to check how those measure up too.

Project Mugetsu Clans Guide

Below are all the Project Mugetsu clans with buffs, in alphabetical order. If your clan isn’t on the list, it doesn’t come with any buffs yet, sorry!


  • Health +85
  • Reiatsu +600
  • Archery Buff
  • +50% Regen outside of combat
  • Less Reiatsu consumed for Flashstep
  • Faster Flashstep
  • Increased Mastery XP


  • +2 Strength and decreased damage at low HP.
  • Increased Stamina
  • Increased Reiatsu
  • Fire Resistance


  • Ability to see Shinigami outlined through solid objects.
  • Higher maximum Reiatsu.
  • +20% regen outside of combat.
  • +2.5 Sword Mastery experience.
  • Self-heal ability.


  • Higher speed and jump at low HP.
  • Unbreakable guard.
  • Domain Expansion
  • Increased Reiatsu
  • Decreased Reiatsu usage.
  • Ability to see players through walls.
  • 6x All Masteries
  • Enhanced Speed
  • Unlimited Flashstep
  • Chance to dodge any basic attack.
  • Status effects reflected onto attacker.
  • Faster Regen outside of combat.
  • Special Move: Hollow Purple


  • Faster Masteries
  • Faster movement speed.
  • Increased Reiatsu.


  • +65 Reiatsu
  • +55 Health
  • Damage, Speed, Defense, and Jump boost at low health.
  • Sword Mastery Boost
  • Special Move: Exploding Beads


  • +65 Health
  • +65 Reiatsu
  • Enhanced Sword
  • Enhanced Block
  • Enhanced Freeze
  • Faster Sword Mastery.
  • More damaging Hakuda.
  • Increased speed, durability, and damage at low health.


  • Faster Fist Mastery
  • Increased Strength at low HP.
  • More damaging Hakuda.


  • Consume souls for HP and XP.
  • Increased speed out of combat.
  • Status effects reflected onto attacker.
  • Inflict Ichimonji by default.
  • Basic attacks have improved Stun.
  • Special Move: Thousand Ri Palm


  • Faster movement.
  • Poison immunity.
  • Paralysis resistance.
  • Increased Reiatsu.
  • Resistant to damage from swords.


  • Higher maximum Reiatsu
  • Faster Running Speed
  • Extra Flashstep
  • Sonido speed boost
  • Gran Ray Cero


  • Self-heal skill
  • Increased Reiatsu
  • Faster Sword Mastery


  • +130 Reiatsu
  • +115 Health
  • Limited time flawless dodge skill.
  • Speed, Damage, Defense, and Jump boost at low health.
  • Can see outlines of other players through walls.
  • Faster Flashstep
  • Faster Running Speed


  • Increased strength at low health.
  • Faster Sword Mastery.
  • Greater Fist range.



  • Greater range on basic attacks.
  • Able to see players through walls.
  • Faster attacks and movement.
  • Increased Fire damage.


  • +65 HP
  • +55 Reiatsu
  • +3 Block
  • +1.8 Melee Power
  • Fire Resistance
  • Freeze Resistance
  • Character can’t be detected by scanning or ESP, and doesn’t make footstep noises.
  • When the character is under 25% health, their damage output increases by 25%.
  • When the character is under 25% health, they take only 50% damage.
  • Deals 50% more damage with fist attacks.
  • Shunko
  • Feline Transformation


  • Dealing damage regenerates Reiatsu.


  • Increased Reiatsu
  • Damage boost at low health.
  • XP booth for both Mastery stats.
  • Special move: ‘Meteor’.


  • Increased Reiatsu
  • Attacks can cause Historical Cut status
  • Can reset self to a marked point
  • Able to debuff enemy skills
  • Faster Sword and Fist Mastery
  • Chance to dodge basic attacks


  • Faster Mastery in all areas.
  • Self-heal skill.
  • Increased Reiatsu
  • Increased Sword damage.
  • Red Aura ability increases damage, decreases ability cooldown, and increases defense for a short period.


  • +130 Health
  • Increased Reiatsu.
  • Increased Sword, Melee, Block, and Sprint.
  • Faster Ability and Sword Mastery
  • Flashstep consumes less Reiatsu and has a lower cooldown.
  • Increased damage at low health.
  • Special Move: Gigai


  • Able to detect other players through walls.
  • Self-heal skill
  • Improve Archery
  • Faster Fist Mastery.
  • Increased Reiatsu
  • Increased Health
  • Special Move: Antithesis


  • Increased duration status effects.
  • Reflects status effects back onto attacker.
  • Weakens ultimates.
  • Special move: Marauda


  • Greatly increased strength/damage at low health.
  • Special move: Marauda


  • Increased Reiatsu
  • Immunity to Fire.
  • Larger melee range.
  • Gains considerably increased strength, durability, and damage at low health.
  • Flashstep consumes less Reiatsu and has a lower cooldown.


  • Health +300
  • Reiatsu +750
  • Immune to ALL status effects, attempts to inflict status effects will inflict it on the attacker instead.
  • Fast Reiatsu Regeneration
  • Archery Buff
  • +50% Regen outside of combat.
  • +20% Evasion
  • Faster Flashstep
  • Faster Running Speed
  • 4x Mastery XP
  • Can see outlines of other players through walls.
  • Speed and Damage boost at low health.



  • Increased Reiatsu
  • Damage boost at low health.
  • Fast Flashstep
  • Flashstep uses less Reiatsu.
  • Red Aura ability increases damage, decreases ability cooldown, and increases defense for a short period.

By admin

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