Italian-inspired Soulslike Enotria: The Last Song moves release date to August to avoid Elden Ring DLC

Last month, developers Jyamma announced Enotria: The Last Song, an Italian-inspired Soulslike where masks give you powers. It was originally due out on June 21st, but then FromSoftware announced that Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree would also launch on the same day. Not ideal. So, Jyamma delayed Enotria’s release, and in an announcement at last night’s Future Games Show, we now know it’s launching in August. It has, however, dropped itself into another conundrum: Black Myth: Wukong, another hotly anticipated Soulslike, arrives a day earlier.

Immediately after Elden Ring’s DLC announcement, Jyamma CEO Giacomo Greco said in Enotria’s Discord server that releasing Enotria on the same day as FromSoftware’s giant would be “suicidal” and that they’d postpone the game. I don’t think anyone would disagree with giving one of the biggest launches of the year a wide berth, so as not to get forgotten almost immediately.

During last night’s Future Games Show, Enotria’s new August 21st release date was announced in a trailer that showed off plenty of parrying and lots of fights against spindly dudes.

In a follow-up Discord post, Greco said that the current game offers “three main regions”, over “40 hours of gameplay”, and “more than 100 different enemies”. And in a semi-overwhelming stat dump, he explained that there are “30 masks” and “68 skills”, which add up to a total of “150 million possible combinations”. I’m one of those people who will happily stick with a broadsword and one mask for an entire playthrough, but it’s nice to know I’ll have 149 million other possibilities to choose from.

Such is the way of things, though, that Enotria now finds itself in the path of another highly anticipated Souslike, with Black Myth: Wukong launching a day before on August 20th. Assuming folks will have wrapped up their Elden Ring adventures by then, I’d imagine most folks only have room for one summer Soulslike, and that’s most likely to be Wukong’s impressive-looking take on Journey To The West. Although it’s worth mentioning IGN’s lengthy report into numerous sexist comments made by the founders of Chinese development studio Game Science.

In any case, ahead of Enotria’s full release on August 21st, Jyamma have announced there will also be a demo available soon on both Steam and the Epic Games Store.

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