Swordburst 3 Weapons Tier List – What Are The Strongest Weapons?

Feature image for our Swordburst 3 weapons tier list. It shows a player character near Hagan's boss arena. holding the Root Reaper greatsword.

Want to kit yourself out but not sure which weapons are deadly and which are disappointing? You’re in the right place. Our Swordburst 3 Weapons tier list ranks each of the weapons in the game currently. The ranking it on fully upgraded status of course.. unupgraded weapons will be different!

Swordburst 3 is a Roblox game that tosses you into a wide-open RPG world. It comes complete with an impressive combat system that lets you wield a bunch of different weapons, swing on enemies in real time, and dodgy their attacks with your impeccable sense of timing… you’ve got one of those, right?

Want to try it for yourself? Check out Swordburst 3 on Roblox. While you’re here, try our Anime Clash codes guide.

Swordburst 3 Weapons Tier List

Now, let’s take a look at the rankings.


The best of the best.

  • Cobalt Edge
  • Cobalt Fang
  • Crimson Fury
  • Demon’s Demise
  • Divine Inferno
  • Infernal Claymore
  • Infernal Edge
  • Jade Blade
  • Mystic Greatsword
  • Royal Edge
  • Stinger
  • Viridian Vanquisher


Very good.

  • Cobalt Destroyer
  • Corrupted Justice
  • Holy Longsword
  • Jagged Edge
  • Justifier
  • Mithril Longsword
  • Molten Katana
  • Scorched Katana
  • Sirius
  • Sun Blade
  • Twilight Greatsword
  • Velarian Longsword



  • Amethyst Greatsword
  • Cherry Blossom
  • Galiard Longsword
  • Grand Claymore
  • Hogsplitter
  • Jeweled Longsword
  • Master Katana
  • Noble Cavalier
  • Petal Longsword
  • Plasma Prism
  • Root Reaper
  • Rosebite
  • Steel Katana
  • Tidal Wave


Not great.

  • Advocate
  • Amethyst Longsword
  • Blade Of Grass
  • Forged Greatsword
  • Leaf’s Edge
  • Mega Slab
  • Oracle
  • Skyprince



  • Bronze Blade
  • Bronze Greatsword
  • Iron Longsword
  • Steel Greatsword

Swordburst 3 Weapon List

Here are all the existing weapons If one isn’t in a tier yet, it’s because haven’t spent enough time with it to rank it yet.

  • Advocate
  • Amethyst Greatsword
  • Amethyst Longsword
  • Blade Of Grass
  • Bronze Blade
  • Bronze Greatsword
  • Cherry Blossom
  • Cobalt Destroer
  • Cobalt Edge
  • Cobalt Fang
  • Corrupted Justice
  • Crimson Fury
  • Demon’s Demise
  • Divine Inferno
  • Forged Greatsword
  • Galiard Longsword
  • Grand Claymore
  • Hogsplitter
  • Holy Longsword
  • Infernal Claymore
  • Infernal Edge
  • Iron Longsword
  • Jade Blade
  • Jagged Edge
  • Jeweled Longsword
  • Justifier
  • Leaf’s Edge
  • Master Katana
  • Mega Slab
  • Mithril Longsword
  • Molten Katana
  • Mystic Greatsword
  • Noble Cavalier
  • Oracle
  • Petal Longsword
  • Prima Prism
  • Root Reaper
  • Rosebite
  • Royal Blade
  • Royal Edge
  • Scorched Katana
  • Shell Blade
  • Sirius
  • Skyprince
  • Steel Greatsword
  • Steel Katana
  • Stinger
  • Sun Blade
  • Tidal Wave
  • Twilight Greatsword
  • Velarian Longsword
  • Viridian Vanquisher

How do Our Tiers Work?

Our tiers run from best to worst and rank the rarity of the mounts.

  • S Tier: The absolute best.
  • A Tier: Good and very helpful.
  • B Tier: Worth having, good starters.
  • C Tier: Useful in a few situations, but not great.
  • D Tier: Very little use. Get rid of ASAP.

How Did We Decide on the Rankings?

We try and keep our tier lists as unbiased as possible. We draw info from our own time with the game, though we also take a look at community opinion and how bursts are broadly regarded. If you think some of our rankings are off base feel free to call us out.

By admin

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