Navigating the Implementation of ISO 22361

Organizations today face complex and rapidly changing circumstances that could lead to potential crises. In response, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has introduced a comprehensive framework called ISO 22361.

This framework helps organizations navigate the complexities of crisis response.

This article explores the critical considerations for implementing ISO 22361, highlighting the importance of proactive crisis management in protecting organizational resilience.

Explore Bryghtpath’s ISO 22361 Maturity Model.

Our ISO 22361 Maturity Model offers a clear, organized path to identify your crisis management program’s current capabilities. It provides a comprehensive view of your existing processes and how well they align with the industry’s best practices. This tool serves as your compass, pointing out strengths and opportunities for improvement in your organization’s crisis management program.

Learn more about our ISO 22361 Maturity Model >>

Understanding ISO 22361

ISO 22361 is a comprehensive standard that provides organizations with a standardized approach to crisis management. It is not just a set of guidelines but defines core principles, components, and requirements for effective crisis management. The standard encourages organizations to be proactive, enabling them to identify, analyze, and mitigate potential crises before they escalate.

ISO 22361 emphasizes a systematic and strategic approach to crisis management to ensure that organizations are well-prepared to handle diverse challenges. It involves identifying potential crises, assessing their impact, and implementing effective preparedness, response, and recovery strategies.

Compared to FEMA’s emergency management approach and the Incident Command System (ICS), ISO 22361 provides a more global perspective. It offers a framework that can be applied to all types of organizations worldwide.

While FEMA’s approach primarily focuses on coordinating the response of federal, state, and local agencies in the United States, ISO 22361 encourages organizations to identify, assess, and manage risks to enhance overall resilience. It emphasizes a risk-based approach to implementing a crisis management framework and plan.

ISO 22361 provides an established framework for consistent response, fitting the organization’s mission and culture and maintaining essential functions during and after a crisis.

Assessing Organizational Readiness

Implementing ISO 22361 begins with thoroughly assessing an organization’s readiness to manage crises. This process informs crisis response strategies and lays the foundation for aligning crisis management with broader organizational objectives.

This may involve evaluating existing crisis management capabilities and scrutinizing their crisis response plans to identify gaps in their resources, documentation, and processes. This introspection ensures that the organization is adequately equipped to handle the diverse challenges that may arise during a crisis.

Understanding the risk landscape allows organizations to tailor their crisis management strategies, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively and that responses are proportional to the nature and severity of the crisis.

Establishing Leadership and Governance

A key component of ISO 22361 implementation is establishing clear leadership and governance structures. Organizations should appoint a dedicated crisis management team, delineating roles and responsibilities for each member. Additionally, crisis communication roles must be identified, ensuring a seamless flow of information during critical situations.

Effective crisis management requires strong crisis leadership and a transparent chain of command. Designating roles and responsibilities within the crisis management team ensures swift and coordinated decision-making. In times of crisis, a well-defined structure prevents confusion and enables the organization to respond with agility.

Developing a crisis management policy that aligns with organizational objectives is equally crucial. This policy serves as a guiding document, setting the tone for how the organization will respond to crises while ensuring compliance with key ISO 22361 requirements. Clear policies foster a sense of direction and purpose among team members, minimizing confusion during high-stakes situations.

Developing a Crisis Management Plan

A cornerstone of ISO 22361 implementation is the creation of comprehensive crisis response plans. These plans should go beyond mere documentation and become dynamic tools that guide organizations through the intricacies of crises. Identifying key stakeholders and defining communication strategies are pivotal components of an effective crisis response plan, ensuring that information is disseminated accurately and promptly.

Moreover, integrating crisis management into broader business continuity planning is essential. Organizations must align crisis response with regular business processes, ensuring a seamless transition between crisis and continuity. This integration facilitates a more holistic approach to organizational resilience, emphasizing the interconnectedness of crisis management and business continuity.

The development of crisis management plans is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Plans should be tailored to the specific needs and risks of each organization. Regular reviews and updates are necessary to reflect changes in the organizational structure, business environment, and emerging threats.

Communication Strategies

Effective communication lies at the heart of successful crisis management. Establishing a comprehensive crisis communication plan is essential for organizations implementing ISO 22361. This plan should define communication channels, ensuring information is disseminated through appropriate mediums. Transparent and timely communication is crucial, both internally with employees and externally with stakeholders.

Developing a crisis communication plan is critical to any organization’s crisis management plan. The ISO 22361 standard provides a foundational outline for developing an organization’s strategic approach to keeping internal stakeholders informed, engaged, and reassured and maintaining the delicate balance between transparency and the complexities of public perception in a crisis.

Training the Team and Exercising the Plan

Even the most meticulously crafted crisis response plans are ineffective without proper training and testing. ISO 22361 emphasizes the importance of ongoing education and preparedness. This involves training the crisis management team and raising awareness among all employees. An informed workforce is a valuable asset during crises, as every individual plays a role in the organization’s overall resilience.

Furthermore, conducting tabletop and simulation exercises is critical to an organization’s crisis management program. These exercises provide organizations with a controlled environment to test their crisis response plans, identify weaknesses, and refine strategies. The insights gained from such exercises are invaluable, helping organizations fine-tune their crisis management capabilities and ensuring a more effective response when facing real-world challenges.

Training and testing are not one-time activities. Regular training, exercises, and even meetings help keep the crisis management team sharp and ready to respond.

Continuous Improvement

ISO 22361 advocates for a culture of continuous improvement in crisis management. Establishing a feedback loop involving collecting insights from crisis management exercises and post-crisis reviews is imperative. Organizations must proactively address identified weaknesses and adapt their crisis management plans based on lessons learned.

Continuous improvement is about reacting to past crises and anticipating future challenges. Regularly reassessing risks, incorporating new learnings, and staying abreast of industry developments ensure that organizations remain agile and resilient in the face of evolving threats.

Organizations should stay current with ISO 22361 revisions, ensuring that their crisis management frameworks evolve in tandem with emerging challenges and best practices—this commitment to ongoing improvement positions organizations to navigate the dynamic landscape of crises effectively.


Adopting ISO 22361 is not a one-time task but a journey toward creating a solid and adaptable organization. By comprehending the fundamental principles of ISO 22361, evaluating organizational preparedness, setting up effective leadership and management frameworks, devising comprehensive crisis management plans, investing in training and testing, refining communication techniques, and committing to continuous improvement, organizations can enhance their capacity to cope with uncertainties and unexpected situations.

ISO 22361 is not just a standard but a guide for organizations seeking to thrive in adversity, fostering a culture of preparedness that will undoubtedly contribute to long-term success. As organizations embark on this journey, they enhance their ability to navigate crises and cultivate a mindset that values resilience, agility, and adaptability —essential for sustained success in today’s unpredictable business environment.

Want to work with us or learn more about crisis management?

  • Our proprietary Resiliency Diagnosis process is the perfect way to advance your crisis management, business continuity, and crisis communications program. Our thorough standards-based review culminates in a full report, maturity model scoring, and a clear set of recommendations for improvement.
  • Check out our ISO 22361 Maturity Model and let us help you find and organize a path to identify your Crisis Management Program’s current capabilities.
  • Our Exercise in a Box product contains 15 simple tabletop exercise scenarios that your business leaders can utilize for crisis microsimulations with minimal involvement from your team.
  • With our Exercise in a Day™️  product, you’ll get a comprehensive, ready-to-execute crisis tabletop exercise developed by our team of experts in just one day. Optionally, we’ll even facilitate the exercise and write an after-action report.
  • Our Crisis Management services help you rapidly implement and mature your program to ensure your organization is prepared for what lies ahead.
  • Our Ultimate Guide to Crisis Management contains everything you need to know about Crisis Management.
  • Our Free Crisis Management 101 Introductory Course may help you with an introduction to the world of crisis management – and help prepare your organization for the next major crisis.
  • Learn about our Free Resources, including articles, a resource library, white papers, reports, free introductory courses, webinars, and more.
  • Set up an initial call with us to chat further about how we might be able to work together.

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