Once Human Beta Test In March For Mobile Players

NetEase Games and Starry Studios have news about their upcoming game Once Human. They also dropped a chic trailer accompanying the news. So, they’ll be rolling out their beta test on March 28, 2024, for both PC and mobile players. Keep reading to learn more about the Once Human beta test in March if survival games are your thing!

What’s Once Human?

It’s a survival strategy game where you’ll be thrown into a world that’s filled with weird and supernatural stuff. You get guns to take down the eerie creatures called the Aberrant. Team up with others, fix up your place and figure out what’s up with these creatures that want to wipe humanity off the map.

The latest trailer lets you sneak a peek at the game. You can gather materials, make a safe spot, go exploring mysterious caves full of freaky things, ride on tall buses to hunt for loot and defend your turf from all those monster creeps. Phew, that’s a lot to do! On that note, why don’t you take a look at the trailer below?

Everyone’s Excited!

The Once Human beta test in March will roll out new nightmares to fight with beasts that have a spinning drill for a head and some tough new boss challenges. Eternaland is a new addition where you can build stuff, roam around and solve puzzles.

Once Human is the second most-wanted multiplayer online survival game on STEAM’s wishlist. Their last beta test was a huge success, with over 300,000 people signing up in just one week. They listened to what players said last time. The Once Human beta test in March will have a new PVP season to duke it out with others.

If you’re looking to jump into the Once Human mobile beta when it starts on March 28, 2024, head over to their official website and sign up. Also, check out our other news on Reverse: 1999 Version 1.4 Update ‘The Prisoner In The Cave’ Drops On February 29th!

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