After 8.5 Million Pre-registrations, Indus Android CBT Finally Kicks Off!

Indus Battle Royale has finally dropped its closed beta for Android players, almost a month after releasing its CBT on iOS devices. Developed by SuperGaming, the game dives into a futuristic world with Indian themed-costumes and lore. Keep reading to learn more about the Indus Android CBT!

An Overwhelming Response!

The limited iOS test was released in December last year. Along with the CBT for Android, SuperGaming also dropped a cool beta live trailer giving us a glimpse of the gameplay. A whopping 8.5 million folks have pre-registered for the title, so there’s quite some buzz for this game.

The Indus Android CBT lets you dive into the battle royale action on the huge Virlok map with some unique features. They’ve introduced characters like Adam, Adya, Sir-Taj and Big-Taj to us in the last trailer. This time, the beta live trailer gives us a more thrilling experience, setting the vibe for this Indo-futuristic battlefield. On that note, take a peek into the trailer below!

An Indo-futuristic Battle Royale

In the Indus world, Cosmium Changes Everything! In a break from the usual last-man-standing deal in battle royales, Indus brings in a unique twist with Cosmium. It’s a rare mineral that messes with space and time and pops up only in the last minutes of a match. Grabbing this special item becomes an alternative way to win.

In Indus, you play as Mythwalkers working for the intergalactic syndicate COVEN. You’re on a mission to grab Cosmium. The game’s set in Virlok, featuring Paragons and loads of weapons, gear, and consumables scattered around mysterious and exotic landmarks.

The beta version’s got some tweaks based on feedback from community playtests and the Indus Esports Invitational. If you’re keen to jump into the game, just snag yourself an Indus Android CBT Key and hop on the waitlist!

Before you leave, check out RSVP To The Banquet Invitation For Love and Deepspace Kindled Reveries!

By admin

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