15 Healthy Meal Recipes • Stephanie Hansen


January 16, 2024

Healthy Recipes: Chicken salad with avocado, spinach and nuts

There’s no bad time of year to make a resolution to eat more healthy recipes. Sure, New Year’s resolutions are a great way to make some diet tweaks, but no matter where you are in your healthy journey or whatever time of year you’re taking the plunge, this list of healthy recipes covers a wide range of foods and flavors.

I’ve tried some fad diets, but ultimately I find them lacking and think that the best option is to determine what a healthy relationship to food looks like to you. And, yes, that includes eating your favorite foods in moderation! 

Below you will find 15 of my favorite healthy meal recipes, and if you are looking for more ideas, check out these guides:

Two Popular Diet Plans

I’m not an advocate for diet plans or fad diets. I do think diet plans can be used for a reset as a way to help you find your triggers and build healthy habits, but I advocate for eating a well-rounded diet that also allows you to satisfy cravings in moderation.  I wanted to include a little info on two diets that are popular right now:

  • Whole 30: This trends in January almost every year. It’s an elimination diet that cuts out sugar, alcohol, grains and dairy, and is designed to last a month. It can be a good option for resetting and helping you find some of your food triggers, but it isn’t meant to be followed for the long term.
  • Mediterranean Diet: The NY Times recently wrote about the Mediterranean Diet and its benefits. Unlike other diet plans, it is less about cutting out certain food groups, and more about focusing on plant-based foods and healthy fats. It’s more of a blueprint for healthy eating than a fad diet plan. 

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