Burgh Island hotel, Devon: sea tractors and stunning views

A stay at Burgh Island

Burgh Island hotel in south Devon has to be one of the most famous hotels in Britain and it had been on my wish-list long before I first caught a glimpse of it from a clifftop walk in the area several years ago. I rounded a windswept corner and there, clinging to the side of its own private island, was this square, white-washed hotel, separated from the mainland by the waves. It looked incredibly romantic and isolated, and I couldn’t wait to go there.

Burgh Island hotel with Agatha Christie's Beach House

Burgh Island hotel is located on a private island next to the largest sandy bay in south Devon. At the foreground is The Beach House, built in the 1930s as a writer’s retreat for best-selling novelist Agatha Christie

Burgh Island hotel is located on the private Burgh Island

Burgh Island hotel is located on the private Burgh Island, which is connected to the south Devon coast at low tide by a large sandy bay

The history of Burgh Island hotel

Burgh Island was the hotel name above all others which provoked the most reaction (and envy) when I mentioned I was visiting, which could be because there aren’t many hotels in Britain which have such a stunning location or such a rich history.