Sony confirms that the Uncharted movie is getting a sequel – WGB

By admin Jun18,2024

Sony Pictures has confirmed that there will be a sequel to the 2022 Uncharted movie which starred Tom Holland.

The confirmation was surprisingly low-key. According to Variety, the announcement came during the CineEurope trade show that took place today. In what the website described as a “short but sweet” show, Sony’s president of international distribution Steven O’Dell gave a quick rundown of all the movies Sony is currently working on. Mentioned alongside the live-action adaption of Zelda, O’Dell said another Uncharted movie is in the works. Presumably, Tom Holland will return as Nathan Drake.

Technically, we did already know about the sequel as Tom Holland’s co-star Mark Wahlberg openly discussed that he’d heard lots of different ideas and that there was a script. And prior to that, producer Charles Roven said in 2023 that Sony was “definitely looking to make another” Uncharted movie. However, both Wahlberg and Roven’s words were speculative and not actual confirmations that a second film was being made, whereas Seven O’Dell’s announcement is official.

The Uncharted movie was released to a fairly poor critical reception. But people did seem to have a good time with it, the typical view being that it was an entertainment summer blockbuster style romp.

Despite a general lack of excitement, it did quite well at the box office, grossing $407.1 million which was enough to make it the fifth highest-grossing videogame movie behind the likes of both Sonic movies and the Super Mario Bros. Movie. Considering the film’s budget was $120 million it seems like it brought in a decent profit, even once you account for marketing costs which is generally accepted to add, on average, 50% to the total budget.

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