Shockingly great soulslike Lies Of P is due a DLC by the end of the year

Our Edders, the RPSer I’d most trust to help me gank a rival covenant member with hammers, reckoned Pinocchio soulslike Lies Of P was an “instant must-play” in his review, and I was pretty fond of it myself. We already know that we’re due a sequel at some point the future, thanks to impressive sales. Director Jiwon Choi previously teased some DLC concept art, and now it looks like we’ll be seeing that DLC by the time the year’s out, according to a fiscal report.

The fiscal report, spotted by content creator Ziostorm, details upcoming releases for the remainder of the Korean fiscal year, which is handily just the actual year, running January 1st to December 31st. Lies of P’s DLC, unnamed at present, is slated for the second half of 2024. The soulslike has previously seen several substantial updates, such as difficulty adjustments, but this’ll be its first expansion – assuming its not some rabbit costumes or another pair of wireframe glasses that make you look like a scholar that’s one hit of laudanum away from dying of consumption. Good news, then, if you’re up for some more puppet parrying. (Actually, it was more focused around blocking, but I’ll never let the truth interrupt even the most minor opportunity for alliteration, hack that I am.)

In other ‘more soulslike to go on top of the soulslikes we already have please’ news, the release of Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree draws ever closer. I know about as much as you at this point, which is to say: I know it’ll have some blokes with baskets for heads. The woman with a basket on her head was actually my favourite Sekiro fight, so this bodes well.

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