The Maw – 7th-10th May 2024

It’s a short week ‘cos we all had a Bank Holiday yesterday, and Edwin isn’t here today, which means I have donned some thick leather gloves and am standing well back to throw some sticky gobbets at The Maw. The gobbets in question? Some tasty game releases this week! Plus whatever else we think might be interesting enough in PC gaming news to appease it – and you.

This week in game release news pertinent to me, specifically, is Nancy Drew: Mystery Of The Seven Keys (7th May), although you won’t see me playing it for a while. In more universally interesting news is the 1.0 launch of vamp-’em-up survival crafting game V Rising (and in more Universalisly interesting news, Europa Universalis IV is getting an expansion pack called Winds Of Change) (both 8th May). Crow Country and Cryptmaster bring different but somehow similar spooky puzzle midweek, along with the next Vampire Survivors update Operation Guns, followed by the presumably much more cute than all of those Little Kitty Big City (all 9th May). Busy few days, eh? I’m sure there was something else that came out over the last few days, what was it now? Oh! Hades 2!

We needs must feed The Maw, an unknowable beast that must have stowed away in Edwin’s bindle, and hopefully the releases above will be enough. But usually it isn’t, which is why you can follow along as we desperately chuck more newskibble into this liveblog. If you want to help you can comment with nutritious news yourself!

By admin

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