“It feels right” – Fallout’s original creator’s now properly reviewed Amazon’s TV show, and he still likes it

By admin Apr20,2024

One of the original creators of Fallout, Tim Cain, has revealed his full thoughts on the recently released Fallout TV show, after having previously given the first two episodes a thumbs up. A producer, lead programmer and designer on the original game, Cain came away from Amazon’s own take on the Fallout universe with positive thoughts on the series, expressing interest in season 2.

We’re not going to go over every point – for the full thoughts you can check out Cain’s video here, but it’s worth noting some of the bits he was especially keen on. These include the lore drops, and the show’s lack of overbearing narration or boring info dumps.

“One thing I loved about this show so much – there [were] a lot of lore drops,” Cain said, “I missed stuff. I’ve watched videos where people try to fidn all the easter eggs, I’ve seen peopel throw up Reddit threads where they notice something and I’m like ‘I watched that and did not see that’. What I especially love about it is there’s no exposition. There was never a narrator explaining this stuff to you. Never a character who had some big wall of text that would have been in the game, or some big long [voice over].”

Cain pointed out that some characters, including the guy trying to put sand in the water filter from one of the earlier episodes, looked like one of the villager characters from the original game. He also noted that each of the main three leads felt like different types of player characters, and stated he loved how their character arcs caused them to change throughout the course of the show.

He also touched on the certain narrative decisions made by the showrunners, which have proven a bit controversial among fans. Cain presented various theories as to how everything shown could still fit neatly into a healthy singular canon. “When I see people talking about this stuff online, I’m hoping that they address it, but you have to understand that everything you’re shown and told in the game might be true, and they may be setting you up for a shocker!” Cain was sure to note that changes to canon do happen, and even happened to early Fallout games.

“Everything is not going to be perfect. Everything is not going to be just like it was in the games because guess what? This isn’t a game – it’s a TV show! But it feels right, and that’s what I liked,” he added.

It’s cool to see this for various reasons, but most important (at least to me) is that there have been numerous examples or original creators not really vibing with future interpretations or sequels to their original works. Such is the nature of the creative industry when an IP is handled by different people with different approaches, but seeing Cain come away happy with the T.V is a wholesome note. He concluded by saying that his opinion doesn’t really matter as he’s not in charge of Fallout anymore, and maybe he’s right, but it’s certainly nice to know that the old guard are pleased.

Do you agree with Cain? Let us know below. And hey, do go check out his channel, he has all manner of videos pulling from his industry knowledge and experience you may find interesting.

By admin

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