Anime Clash Quests Guide – Droid Gamers

Feature image for our Anime Clash quests guide. It shows the brightly colored houses in the Anime Clash lobby skyline.

Anime Clash is here again, and it’s time to start powering through the content. One of the ways to get some rewards is by engaging with the quests system, and that’s what this guide is all about. Our Anime Clash quests guide goes over the different flavors of quests available, and the good reasons you may wish to pick some up.

Want to play Anime Clash? You can do it now via Roblox. We’ve also got an Anime Clash Units guide and an Anime Clash Enchants guide to take a look at.

Anime Clash Quests Guide

Here we’ll try and cover everything about the quests that you need to know.

Quest Types

There are different kinds of Quests. You can view the quests available by hitting the scroll-shaped icon on the left of the screen while in the Lobby. We’ve listed the different kinds of quests below.

Daily Quests

Daily Quests are quests that refresh every 24 hours. You need to complete any of the quests in that timeframe or you’ll lose any progress. Most of the quests currently are fairly simple and involve completing the current PVP missions.

Weekly Quests

The devs have not implemented Weekly Quests fully yet. They will probably be much the same as Daily Quests. You may face more ambitious goals. The quests should reset on a weekly basis, with any progress similarly lost.

Story Quests

Story Quests are also not implemented yet, Weeklies are probably one-time quests in a campaign format. These appear to be untimed. This allows you to complete them and work towards the goals at any time.

Quest Rewards

Most quests reward in Crystals, though the amount varies depending on the quest. You use Crystals for extra summons, so if you want to acquire more units then completing quests is a good option to get extra units for your roster.

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