Type Soul Skill Box Guide

The image shows the back of my avatar who wears white robes with red pants and a katana equipped to her waist. She is stood on a rooftop overlooking a garden of trees and grass below

Christmas came early in Type Soul, kind of… Between a huge overhaul and many different boxes, it can get confusing to determine what’s what. This Type Soul Skill Box Guide tells you what a Skill Box does and how you can get it!

Check out Type Soul over on Roblox. For more box-related guides we also covered the Type Soul Hollow Box and Type Soul Spirit Box.

Type Soul Skill Box Guide

If not obvious by the title, a Skill Box allows the user to harness a new technique through a gacha-like chance. Similar to other boxes, it’s a total gamble over what you’ll get upon opening it. There’s no real way to determine your odds of one particular skill over another.

Whilst each Skill falls to chance, some are lineage-specific meaning only certain races can obtain them. Each Skill, whilst unique, is typically beneficial to a build. The box will contain skills which pair with a Skill Tree in which the player already has 25 Skill Points invested.

A player may only own two of these Legendary rarity Skill Boxes at any time. If you want to use more or change your current Skill Boxes then you’ll need to obtain a Blue Pill.

How To Get Skill Boxes

Unlike other boxes which you can earn from Raids and purchase from the KT Store, Skill Boxes are only obtained via successful Raids. Type Soul offers two main Raid types with sub-category game modes; Faction Raids, and Karakura Town Raids.

That said, it is no easy feat, Skill Boxes enjoy a ridiculously low drop rate of just 0.1%. However, Skill Boxes do enjoy a double drop rate increase during weekends! I’d recommend aiming to trade for Skill Boxes instead of participating in countless raids.

Skill Boxes Skills List

Let’s get into each Skill type!

Hakunda Skills

Kendo Skills

  • Crescent Relief
  • Eviscerate
  • Sonata Flow

Arrancar Kido Skills

  • Bala Burner
  • Cero Fireflies
  • Hollow Bite

Quincy Kido Skills

Shinigami Kido Skills

  • Goryutenmetsu
  • Kuyo Shibari
  • Shinten Raiho

Healing Skills

Speed Skills

  • Flash Fang
  • Ghost Cleave
  • Strata Strike

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