How To Get Vault Star Headphones In The Hunt – An Elusive Roblox Cosmetic! – Gamezebo

Most of the new cosmetic items in The Hunt are earned by collecting badges, but there’s one exception. In this guide, we’ll show you how to get that exception: the Vault Star Headphones in The Hunt for Roblox.

The Hunt: First Edition is a major new event for Roblox, spanning 100 different games. In each game, you’ll need to take on a quest or challenge to earn a badge, which can then be redeemed for cosmetic items back in The Hunt experience. You can get nearly everything just by collecting badges, but not the Vault Star Headphones. To get those, you’ll want to stay tuned to this guide.

You can check out The Hunt: First Edition on Roblox right now. For more on the event, check out our guide on how many games are in Roblox The Hunt. For some specific badge tips, have a gander at our Dragon Adventures The Hunt guide and our Arsenal The Hunt guide.

How To Get Vault Star Headphones In The Hunt

At time of writing, the only way you can get the Vault Star Headphones is by picking them up in The Hunt experience after they’re dropped by a Video Star Creator. All players with this title receive a special ability while in The Hunt that lets them toss out sets of Headphones. To claim your own set, all you need to do is pick them up when they drop them.

What Is A Video Star Creator?

Video Star Creators are Roblox content creators that are part of the Roblox Video Stars Program. This is an exclusive group of high-profile Roblox content creators, who often officially partner with Roblox on events like these. As of October 2023, there are 660 Video Star Creators in total. That means there are 660 potential sources of the Video Star Headphones.

Tips For Getting The Headphones

Getting the Vault Star Headphones largely comes down to being in the right place at the right time. However, there are ways to boost your chances. By far the best is to actively follow some high-profile Video Stars on social media. If you do, you’ll get an alert when they start streaming live on Twitch or Youtube.

There have been a few streams already dedicated to distributing the Headphones, and if you can jump on one of those you’ll easily be able to snag a pair. Just make sure you’re in the same server as the streamer and you’re good to go. If you don’t know of any Roblox Video Stars, you can find a complete list of them here.

Other than this, the best advice is just to spend a lot of time in The Hunt experience. Sooner or later, a Video Star will come around!

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