Beat ’Em Up Adventure Brok the InvestiGator Dropping Tomorrow!

featured image for our news on Brok the InvestiGator. it features brok, the alligator and two animal goons in an alley.

A new fun game, Brok the InvestiGator is dropping tomorrow (February 21, 2024) on Android. It’s a beat ’em up adventure game created by COWCAT, taking charge of both development and publishing. Interested in alligators beating up goons? Keep reading!

Who’s Brok the InvestiGator?

The game is a mix of different genres. It’s part adventure, part combat and part role-playing. The story takes us to a world where animals act like humans. They live in a city that feels like it’s from the future. You’ll be a detective caught between two groups of inhabitants in the society. One group resides safely inside a big dome, while the other has a tough time surviving outside.

You’ll play as Brok, a gritty former boxer turned private investigator, who is accompanied by his kid Graff. Brok and Graff look into some deep secrets that might be sad and linked to their own history. You’ll get to solve puzzles and get to beat up enemies and big bosses.

Brok the InvestiGator has a bunch of characters to play. The game is free to download and you can play the first part without paying anything. Should you find yourself craving more, snag additional chapters for $1.99 each. If you prefer to jump in with both feet, there’s a Premium version on offer for $7.99, granting you unrestricted access to every chapter of the game.

Will You Be Playing Brok?

Just like its futuristic society featured in Brok the InvestiGator, the game itself has achieved quite a technologically advanced feat! The title is completely accessible to blind or visually impaired players. If you want to find out more about the game, check it out on the Google Play Store.

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