An artistic and culinary treat at IZZA boutique hotel, Marrakech, Morocco

A stay at IZZA hotel, Marrakech

Just seconds from the crowds and crush which is everyday life in Marrakech, lies one of the city’s newest hotels, IZZA. A recent arrival to the Morocco hotel scene, opening just a few months ago, IZZA is an oasis of calm with a rooftop restaurant, indoor pool and rather uniquely, millions of pounds of artwork on its walls.

This ultra-chic 14-bedroom boutique hotel, tucked down a tiny alleyway within the ancient walls of the medina, the 1,000-year old heart of the bustling city, was created from uniting seven traditional riads together. This means it has a delightfully traditional Moroccan vibe of interconnecting courtyards, hidden stairways, balconies and terraces. Best of all, at the top of the building is a vast rooftop space containing secluded sun loungers at one end and at the other,  a beautiful al fresco terrace.