Make the Night City of your dreams with this cyberpunk city sandbox builder

My inbox is absolutely rammed with early Steam Next Fest demos at the moment. Honestly, did no one remember that February’s Next Fest starts in, you know, February, in a week a bit’s time this year? I’m all for getting a few things early to make the deluge of demos a bit more manageable to cover, but this year has just been a teensy bit insane. Now there’s too many things to look at in advance, but hey, I’m making steady progress, and you’ve probably seen the fruits of a couple of these this week already. Next on the list is Dystopika, a toy-like sandbox citybuilder that’s sort of in the same vein as the lovely Summerhouse I played earlier this week, but also lives at the exact opposite end of the mood and vibes scale. Whereas Summerhouse is about creating diddly little cute streets with sunny Mediterranean vibes, Dystopika is effectively: Build Your Own Blade Runner.

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