Spa break at Mullion Cove hotel in Cornwall

A stay at Mullion Cove hotel

Not having had the luxury of a clifftop spa hotel on the Lizard peninsula in Cornwall before, I didn’t have much to compare Mullion Cove hotel with, but judging on my first visit I think it will be hard to beat.

Mullion Cove hotel in Cornwall

Mullion Cove hotel in Cornwall is perched right on top of the cliffs at the tip of the Lizard peninsula making it one of the most southerly hotels on the British mainland

The location of Mullion Cove hotel is spectacular, its high position on the cliffs yielding great views when the weather is clear (Cornwall can disappear very quickly when the clouds roll in). Approached by a steep and winding road from the village of Mullion itself – which is just a few miles from the very tip of the Lizard peninsula, the most southerly point in Britain – the square, white imposing hotel building is impossible to miss.