Tired of waiting for the next Project L character reveal? You’ve got to check out this fan-made Shen design

We’re now firmly into 2024, and have yet to get our first dose of Project L news for the new year. However, you don’t even need to wait for surprise official reveals to get your fighting game fix – as one creator has brought on of League of Legends’ cooler top laners (I said it) to the 2D plain.

Thanks to 3D Artist William Kong, we’ve got a damn good look at what Shen would look like if he was actually released in Riot Games’ upcoming fighting game. First posted on Art Station and Twitter, we get a cool close up of the character himself as well as various shots of the creative process and alternative colours.

Kong, an Australlian-based artist working at Playside Games, posted the designs up online and almost immeditely got love from portions of the day-zero Project L community who saw the design. It’s very similar situation to the excellent fan-made Akali design we saw pop up online last year. The creator behind Akali Killian would end up getting hired by Riot Games to work on the fighting game. Who knows? Maybe Kong will be getting an email in the coming weeks…

Ever since the game was first revealed, Project L fans have been guessing and debating over which characters would make the best additions to the roster. Especially during the months when there has been little to no news about the game, speculation was all you can do (even we did it).

While that is still going on, there’s a real feeling that news around Project L will be picking up the pace in 2024. This is largely thanks to the fact because players have been able to play the game themselves at Evo 2023 and the League of Legends 2023 Worlds event in Korea.

Let us know what you think of the design? Let us know – as well as what champion you’d like to seee make it into the official roster this year!

By admin

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