Screenshot Saturday Mondays: Space, mechs, and photographing draculas

Every weekend, indie devs show off current work on Twitter’s #screenshotsaturday tag. And every Monday, I bring you a selection of these snaps and clips. This week, my eye has been caught by games with mechs, games set in space, games with aerial action, a game where you take photographs of draculas, and many more. Check out these attractive and interesting indie games!

Excuse me, hello, the position this mech pilot must assume:

While the look of mech shooter Lasting Blaze (in early access on instantly made me think of ye olde real-time strategy game Earth 2150:

Becrowned (coming to Steam) looks like one for fans of quiet mounds:

More retro-styled horror comes courtesy of Dracula Awakens (coming to Steam), where you bust monsters by taking their photos, though I’m not sure I’m meant to find this so erotic:

A splash more ultraviolence from this prototype (which reminds the dev of Prototype):

The Zelda-inspired No More Fathers (coming to Steam) is also prototyping aerial action:

Taking to the air for more peaceful purposes, I’m very into this forestation:

Wet platforming in Frogun Encore (coming to Steam):

Look, I respect you too much to pretend I understand chess puzzler Beyond The Board:

Is this curious beast from the “story-driven RPG deck-building” of Naratha (coming to Steam)… a toilet?:

The elemental violence of Hume Index (coming to Steam), an FPS with four-player co-op, is not what I’d expect from a game based on the SCP mythos:

Flipping out in sci-fi puzzle-platformer Bionic Bay (coming to Steam, with a demo there now):

Let’s continue the interplanetary fun with spaceship-building exploration game StellarDrive (prototype available on

And a smidge more space from this game which the dev is “taking a break from” due to being “annoyed by Godot too much”:

Annnd let’s wrap up here because after seeing this from (play free in your browser) I must immediately go and check that out because whoa:

What else caught your eye this weekend, reader dear?

By admin

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