The perfect gourmet break at Northcote hotel Lancashire

A stay at Northcote hotel

Some hotel visits stay in your memory long after the trip itself, and my recent stay at the Northcote hotel Lancashire was a case in point. Not only was it a lovely luxury hotel located just outside the vibrant and friendly town of Clitheroe, with luxury bedrooms, a team of efficient and friendly staff and a stunning Michelin-starred restaurant, but it is keen to offer its guests more than just a relaxing stay within its walls.

the exterior of Northcote hotel Lancashire

The Northcote hotel Lancashire is a Michelin-starred hotel and member of the prestigious Pride of Britain Hotels group

Just ten minutes after my partner Stephen and I arrived at the Northcote, we were whisked away on a food tour of the Forest of Bowland Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty for a fun and fascinating afternoon sampling some excellent cheese, gin, beer and local delicacies as well as learning all about the history and geography of the area.