Cursed To Golf is free to keep from the Epic Games Store right now

These are salad days for fans of novelty golf, from What The Golf? to Desert Golfing to Turbo Golf Racing. Released in 2022, Cursed To Golf set itself apart from the mini genre by being a golflike roguelike – and it’s currently free to keep from the Epic Games Store.

Head over to its store page between now and 4pm GMT tomorrow, December 28th, and you can add it to your account for free. It’s part of Epic’s holiday season giveaways, where they’re revealing a new mystery freebie each day.

Cursed To Golf takes place in golf purgatory, where you have to chip and putt your way through 2D sidescrolling levels of fans, spikes, teleporters and supernatural obstacles. There are over 70 holes to play, offered in a random order on each run. Or each walk, I guess, since this is golf.

Alas, thought the roguelike elements made it a good walk ruined in her Cursed To Golf review.

I’ve played difficult roguelikes where runs take hours and I’ve failed time and time again, but it feels more frustrating here. I think my main quarrel is that Cursed To Golf just doesn’t make failure fun or rewarding. When you’re sent back to the start, nothing changes, and courses aren’t interesting enough to get me excited to retry them. Dungeons switch up their layouts but lackluster course variety and a hesitancy to experiment make golfing through them a grind.

Where it succeeded was in its visual charm, and as a fun throwback to the Flash game era, Rachel wrote.

You may disagree, of course, and right now it’s free to find out.

By admin

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