Private game libraries now available in Steam’s beta client – just watch out for family sharing

Big news for those of you out there looking to jump into specific games next year, without the world knowing about it. Private games have been launched into Steam’s beta client today, which allows you to set games as private on purchase so you can keep them all to yourself.

When a game is set private, you won’t earn trading cards or have your in-game activity shown to Steam friends while you’re online. No one will be able to even see it in your library except from you! The only way you might get exposed is if you have family sharing enabled on your account – don’t let your dad catch you playing shagger simulator.

While the feature is currently just in the beta client, it will eventually come to the live service. There’s no roadmap or public schedule for this transtition – Valve tends to just port things over when they’re good and ready – so you’ll have to keep an eye out until you’ll be able to hide your Starfield play sessions from your mates. However, it marks an important milestone in what could be a great wave of smutty purchases. I’m not even joking here!

If you have NSFW games enabled on your Steam store you already know those kind of games are not only numerous, but incredibly popular! They’re always in Steam’s hottest games year round, and they pull off some suprising player counts. Now imagine you could buy an NSFW dating sim without your friends seeing it… It’s my professional opinion that the devs behind this style of game are rubbing their hands in excitement for private games to come to life.

For me, I can’t wait to use this feature to hide Prominance Poker from the people around me who love me. Prominance Poker, YuGIOh, and obscure fighting games that they’ll be too weak to understand. Shout out to Under Night In-Birth.

What will you be hiding from your friends and family? Let us know below… Or don’t. That would kind of ruin it I guess.

By admin

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